Clowns Pt. I

Clowns. They are everywhere. They perform for others as entertainers. They smile and laugh. They wear masks, like us. Everyone wants to wear a mask. Everyone wants to be more. Put on your mask. Let’s be more!

Encyclopaedia Britannica defines a clown as a pantomime or circus character with distinct makeup whose main job is to elicit laughter; this is accomplished via set routines involving absurd shenanigans and physical comedy. From the Pygmy clowns of 2500 BC Egypt, the court clowns (YuSze) of ancient imperial China, the padded buffoons of Ancient Greece, and the pointed hat-donning mimes of Ancient Rome, clowns have been with us for millennia. Although the history of clowns is full of interesting clownage, I will be focusing on a few examples. 

A Very Abbreviated History

According to The Humorist Void: The Clown’s Balancing Act throughout History, “Pantomime, La Commedia dell’ Arte, and the court jester have played the most influential role in the formation of the Western clown. Had this sequence of personas not taken place, the western world would not have what it sees today as clown.” Arguably the earliest depiction of a clown, the pantomime originated from Greco-Roman religious rituals. Their white faces, physical comedy, and exaggerated features greatly influenced the image of the modern clown. Further exaggeration in the later years of Greco-Roman pantomime additionally set the stage (literally) for La Commedia Dell'Arte, aka, “comedy of the profession.” In Medieval Europe, court jesters were allowed to freely poke fun at authority figures, and by doing so provided a significant link between the king and the common folk. Medieval clowns were commonplace in minstrel and juggling acts. However, it wasn’t until the late middle ages that clowns became professional comic actors. Travelers emulated court jesters and amateur fool societies, with most notably the Italian commedia dell’arte becoming widespread throughout 16th-18th century Europe. One of the more iconic characters from commedia dell’arte was the Arlecchino, or Harlequin, who evolved from a comic valet into a cunning, bat/slapstick-wielding acrobat.

The first ancestor of the modern clown was famed English entertainer Joseph Grimaldi. Donning a full face of makeup and colorful yet strange costumes, his appearance (at the time) was strange to say the least. Although most well known for his physical comedy and satire, Grimaldi’s tragic life additionally fostered the modern perception of clowns masking their darker sides (i.e., the scary/depressed clown). Along a similar vein, Jean-Gaspard Deburau’s successful portrayal of the commedia dell’arte character Pierrot revealed a darker interior when he killed a boy who had insulted him. 

This isn’t to say that clowns were always sinister, although their history is marked with an underlying spirit of anarchy and mischief. As a matter of fact, clowns hadn’t begun to be associated with children’s entertainment until the early 20th century; 19th century circuses were rife with adult-oriented acts appealing to a variety of regional, economic, and political backgrounds. Most circuses were small and incorporated puns, burlesque humor, and non sequiturs influenced by blackface minstrel shows. Clowns often joked around with the ringmaster, with the informal, vulgar atmosphere encouraging a rowdy audience. In 1793, George Washington himself attended the first American circus in Philadelphia. 

The popularity of clowns in the US soared with the advent of television, with Bozo the Clown in particular having established himself as an immensely popular host by the mid 1960s. McDonald’s new mascot, Ronald McDonald, soon followed suit in 1963. Clowns had drawn a significant child audience by the 1970s. 


Despite their rich history as goofy entertainers, present-day clowns are often associated with horror. Modern scary clowns such as John Wayne Gacy, Pennywise, Jigsaw, the Joker, and Art the Clown are some examples that come to mind– Heck, one of the first images I found when searching “clowns” on Google was a creepy clown. Especially since the clown–incited panic of 2016, coulrophobia (fear of clowns) feels particularly prevalent in our current world. “But Luri,” You may ask, “Are there any examples of positive contemporary clownage?” First of all, I’m so glad you asked such a thoughtful and relevant question! Second, I have no idea. Find out next time on Clowns Pt. II… As always, thank you for reading. 

(P.S., Citations are WIP. Thanks for your patience. Stay goofy)


Clowns Pt. II


The Evolution of Humor