Humor Interview Project BTS: Storyboarding
As detailed in my previous article, I have begun working on a humor interview project where I animate responses to various humor-related questions. These interviews aim to portray the absurdity and diversity of humor within the average person. Although I can’t promise the people I interviewed are average in any way, their responses were pretty entertaining.
So far I have interviewed 4 participants, all of whom were friends and classmates. I ordered and cut the audio by question, totaling responses to about 30 seconds each. The program I currently use for storyboarding and editing audio is Flipaclip. At this rate I have storyboarded most of the responses for the first question; here are some of the storyboards I have drawn so far and captioned without context:
Here are the notes I made on each response, where I decided which order and who to include in each “segment” of the animation:
The animation is divided by responses to each of the following questions:
How is humor present in your family/what jokes are common among family members?
What is your favorite type of humor?
What is your least favorite type of humor?
How important is humor to you?
Who is your least favorite comedian?
What are your favorite Spongebob jokes?
One roadblock I encountered was the length of the responses. My shortest interview took 4 minutes, while the longest took around 19. This meant I had to severely cut down responses so that the project could be completed in a reasonable time. For each question, I only selected some of the participants’ answers and even kept in some bonus questions that strayed off the original prompt (i.e. favorite Spongebob jokes, least favorite comedian). The total runtime of the animation is expected to be around 2 minutes long.
Despite taking a bit longer than expected, this has been going quite well. I’m a little anxious about how long storyboarding will take, so the next time I upload may be subject to change. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy looking into my progress! Again, I am not a professional, so if you have any questions or suggestions on any aspect of this project, feel free to email me. Stay tuned!